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As we enter 2023, digital marketing trends are taking an interesting turn. Here are the top 3 trends to look out for:

Pet influencers

Influencer marketing has reached new heights with the rise of pet influencers. That’s right, your favorite feline or canine is now able to promote products on their own Instagram page.Just be sure to keep an eye out for those pesky paw-thorization forms before you let Fluffy hawk your products.Move over human influencers, there’s a new breed of social media stars taking over the game! Pet influencers are the latest craze, with furry friends all over the internet promoting products and gaining followers left and right.

VR in marketing

Virtual reality experiences are now being used as a form of advertising.Get ready to be fully immersed in the world of advertising with the rise of virtual reality experiences! No longer will you simply watch a commercial, you’ll be able to fully live it out in a VR world. Imagine sitting at home, fully immersed in a VR world while a brand’s commercial plays out in front of you. Don’t worry, it’s not as creepy as it sounds. Or is it?

Emojis in Ads

The use of emojis in ad copy is no longer optional, it’s mandatory. Want to sell a car? Better include the 😎 emoji in your ad. Need to promote a new beauty product? Be sure to use the 💄 emoji. This trend is taking the world by storm, one 😂 emoji at a time. Who knew a simple picture could say so much?

Stay tuned for more updates from the wild world of digital marketing.