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 My phone beeped one morning with a notification –  

Good morning!

Here’s another newly launched app – Threads”  

The digital marketing profession is dynamic and a continuous race of keeping up with the latest industry trends.  Whether you have just dipped your toes into the world of digital marketing or are a seasoned pro in this field, there are a few habits you must develop to stay ahead in the game. 

In this fast-paced industry where algorithms change as the wind and customer behavior shifts like tides, relying on outdated strategies is like bringing a flip phone to a smartphone’s party. 

But don’t worry you can become a  successful digital marketer by developing some effective habits. From data-driven decisions to networking, let’s dive into the 5 essential habits that will guarantee your success in the digital marketing profession. 

Learn, upskill & learn again –

Remember, when Instagram came out with photo-tagging feature in 2013? 

Then came Boomerang! 

Oh, the hype around it.  

Instagram has come up with various changes since then – Instagram Carousels, Reels, and now an entirely new app “Threads”- all in a span of a few years.

Do you see how quickly social media upgrades themselves? 

In our profession, we cannot afford to not stay updated with constant changes. 

It is important to learn what content is pushed up by algorithms and is liked by people as well. 

Due to its addictive nature, reel scrolling has become the favorite pass time of users. So as a digital marketer, learning about its algorithm should be your priority for running successful digital marketing campaigns. Following the right people online and tagging them in your posts can provide you with good opportunities to network. 

Collaborating with top Instagram creators for a wider reach of your digital ads campaigns. 

Check out these platforms and find suitable digital marketing courses online to upskill yourself 

Coursera –   

Skillshare –

Udemy –

Plan Well, But Be Ready For Failure – 

You had a well-thought-out social media strategy but then suddenly Instagram dropped a new feature – “Instagram reels

It has taken users on a crazy ride. Everyone is exploring the feature and social media marketers can see their “plan” failing. 

This is why it is important to plan ahead BUT be prepared for changes.

It is not exactly “failing plans” but some smart tweaks to keep up with changing times. 

When Chat GPT was launched the rumours of artificial intelligence replacing jobs became a concern. If we analyze the situation closely we’ll find a new angle. Sure, artificial Intelligence is capable of doing a lot of things but not without humans. If used smartly, it can be used to increase your productivity and enhance the output of your marketing campaigns. 

Let’s understand this with an example – has launched AI-integrated tools that allow you to come up with social media content ideas. Simply, put some keywords into the tool and you will get ideas for your online social media campaigns. 

This takes us to our next habit – 

Never Ever Ignore Tools – 

Choose your digital marketing tools like you would choose weapons before entering a battlefield. With the right tools, you can do better time management, and increase your content quality. 

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the landscape of digital marketing. It has made analyzing huge amounts of data, along with identifying patterns that humans might miss. 

Staying updated with recent digital marketing tools is equivalent to continuously upgrading your arsenals with the latest technology gadgets. 

 You can use websites like Futurepedia to know about the latest tools. 

Test and Re-Test – 

A/B testing forms a crucial part of digital marketing strategy planning. It provides a chance for online marketers to extract valuable insights from the audience’s responses. 

Develop the habit of conducting A/B testing of your website, email, or social media content to make data-driven decisions instead of trusting your gut. 

Some of the A/B testing tools are – 

Freshmarketer ( –

This tool will help you in testing various variations of your websites. How individuals interact with your website and help you identify problem areas. 

Convertize ( –

This find out ideas for A/B testing if you are clueless about where to start.

Zoho Page Sense ( –

It helps you in understanding the users who visit your website so you can provide personalized experiences to them according to their behavior and preferences. 

Log Out – 

“Close all tabs, laptop off, phone aside” – log out 

This is the single most important habit a digital marketer should develop. Our profession requires us to stay up-to-date with social media trends, newly launched AI tools, the latest blog posts published, and whatnot. But no matter how many hours we devote we ought to miss some things. 

After the hustle of your office hours do not go sneaking on your phone for one last blog post. 


Give some time to your head to calm down and enjoy a cup of coffee.  You will get another day to make your mark in the digital marketing field. 


As we wrap up our exploration into effective habits which will help you turn into a successful digital marketer, remember this – this field sees changes and innovations faster than any other. From swiftly evolving algorithms to groundbreaking AI tools, staying ahead of the game is an unwavering pursuit. 

By developing these habits, you can step confidently into the future and start your journey towards a successful digital marketing career. 

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